

Month: February 2013

State Senate Grills Erickson on Freeh Report

Penn State President Rodney Erickson testified in Harrisburg today at the state Senate's annual higher education appropriations hearing, fielding tough questions from several state senators, including Penn State graduate John Yudichak.

39 Candidates Running in 2013 PSU BoT Election

It's official. 39 candidates will be running for three spots on the Penn State Board of Trustees this spring -- way down from the 87 candidates who ran last year.

Penn State’s Thrilling Upset of Michigan in 35 Tweets

For those following Penn State's thrilling upset of Michigan last night on social media, it was pure jubilation. They say true fans are those that stick with a team through the good times and the bad, and to read the words Penn State basketball faithful last night after that victory was something worth remembering. Here are 35 Tweets that tell the story of the game last night in one of Penn State's favorite languages -- social media.

Attention Seniors: 6th Annual 55 Days of Cafe Begins After Spring Break

One of Penn State's best traditions is on the horizon as the dates for the 6th annual "55 Days of Cafe" were announced earlier this week. Save up some of that Spring Break money, Penn Staters, because this year's event begins the day classes restart after Spring Break: Monday, March 11.

Board of Trustees Ballot to be Unveiled Today

The candidate ballot for the upcoming Board of Trustees election is set to be selected later this afternoon at the Penn Stater, which is likely to include close to last year's record-breaking 86 candidates.

The Internship and You: How to Survive Summer

Internships have now become the foundation of entry into a career field, in some cases effectively replacing the "entry level." Not only are they increasingly necessary for advancing your career (sounds strange to say as a 20-year-old), but they aren't easy to get and they are often unpaid, and sometimes they don't even promise the kind of advancement they once did. You can't get a job because you don't have experience, and you can't get that experience if you don't get hired somewhere.

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