

Day: February 16, 2013

First Time THONners Tell Their Story

As a freshman, this is my first time at THON, and I cannot even begin to put my thoughts into words. Upon entering the Bryce Jordan Center at four in the afternoon, a shiver shot up my spine, and the goosebumps that accompanied it have yet to leave. Unable to describe this one of a kind experience, I searched the BJC hoping that other first time thonners could do it for me.

Why We Never Forget Our First Time at THON

You never forget your first THON experience. Whether you're on a committee, participating as a part of Greek Life, or especially if you are a part of THON family, you're first THON weekend at the Bryce Jordan Center is undoubtedly a roller coaster of emotions. Find out why two students and a family will never forget THON 2013, their first THON Weekend.

High Prices At THON Concessions

As unique as THON is, there is one part of it that is all too familiar: absurdly high prices at the concession stands. That fact paired with the strict no outside food allowed in the BJC makes for a formidable situation for everybody’s wallets.

THON’s Got Talent Showcases Impressive Student Musicians

The 2013 THON's Got Talent competition showcased three talented musical acts that kept the folks at the Bryce Jordan Center on their feet as the hours continue to roll by. The three acts were comprised of Penn State students who were all excited to grace the THON stage and win over an audience that would ultimately decide the winner via a text vote.

Larger Than Life: Fat Heads at THON

If you're as illiterate as me when it comes to reading Greek symbols, these fat heads are HEROES to find your organization this weekend.

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