

Day: April 25, 2013

UPUA Prefers Cheese Platters To Ice Cream

After an eventful few months, UPUA concluded it's general assembly work for the semester during last night's meeting.

Aaron Carter Rocks Cafe 210 West

You wouldn't expect Aaron Carter to put on one of the most entertaining concerts you've ever seen, but on Wednesday night at Cafe 210 West, he did just that.

Film Festival Plays Tonight!

Don't feel like studying for finals or looking for a reason to procrastinate end of the semester homework? Searching for something fun to do on a Thursday night? Lucky for you, the Penn State Student Film Organization is putting on its annual Blue and White Film Festival tonight!

Senior Column: Never Settle for Mediocrity

In his senior column, Drew Balis urges fellow students to never settle for mediocrity as he prepares to graduate from Penn State. Never let someone tell you that you aren't good enough or insult what you do, but ask yourself if you are making the most of your time here.

photo: shawn inglima

Senior Column: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Things Have a Weird Way of Working Out

OS editor Sam Cooper explains his Penn State journey from Beaver Stadium as an eight year old, to two years at Penn State Altoona, to his final two years at University Park.

Seal of the University

Senior Column: Winter Soldiers

Some individuals would have you believe that a Winter Soldier is one who stands by himself. However, in his senior column, Doug Dooling argues that Winter Soldiers are people who overcome difficulties together.

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