

Day: May 10, 2013

Couple Donates $2.2M to Penn State Geosciences

On Wednesday, an anonymous couple donated $2.2 million to Penn State's Geochemistry program, housed within the Geosciences department of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences. The $2.2 million will endow a faculty chair in Geosciences, which will bring "an individual who is among the very best" in the field to Penn State.

Fasta Hosts “Free Pasta Day,” Low Carb Dieters Weep

I have a confession: I could eat pasta for every meal, 365 days a year. Fettucini, orrachetti, farfalle, penne, or my personal favorite bucatini -- it doesn't matter -- I love them all. I eat them all with exorbitant amounts of pleasure and delight. I know I am not alone in my obsession, for there are already over 400 people who plan on attending Fasta Pasta's "Free Pasta Day" this Friday, according to the Facebook event.

Meteorology Students Take Weather Challenge By Storm

A team of undergrads and grad students secured their second consecutive victory in the national Weather Challenge.

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