Men's hockey student season tickets went on sale this morning for the inaugural season at Pegula Ice Arena, but that sale didn't last long. Due to a long line and an insufficient number of ticket salespeople, the sale was stopped short.
U.S. New & World Report ranked Penn State 37th nationally and 8th among public schools on the 2014 list.
Looking to apply to be a Committee Member for THON 2014? Check out descriptions of the committees and how to apply.
While many students dream about going to Penn State, for some, it's only second best. A mere default after not receiving their Hogwarts acceptance letters by owl years earlier. These students band together in Penn State's very own Harry Potter Club.
Campus Skooters is a rental company that caters to college students at Penn State with very reasonable prices on KYMCO and Genuine scooters.
Penn State will be hosting three hiring fairs for the Pegula Ice Arena starting next week. Be sure to stop by if you're still looking for a job this semester.