

Things You Really Hate to See at Penn State

Your college career at Penn State may seem to be the best time of your life, but there are those darned situations you can’t seem to avoid. Though these following situations are highly relatable by most of the Penn State population, you can’t help but witness them happening to others and think, “You hate to see it.”

So little desks, too many people.

You’ve been studying in the library for what seems like an eternity. You notice your average Joe taking laps around the room looking for an open desk. A desk opens up, but Joe isn’t alone in the desk hunt. A vulturous little enemy takes the desk within seconds of its vacancy. Joe’s trek continues. Yikes.

knowledge commons

A Celebratory Toss Gone Wrong

I love being thrown in the air at football games. I mean, there have been close calls when I thought my life was going to end via blunt force trauma from hitting the metal bleachers, but I’m still alive and popcorning one touchdown at a time. Unfortunately, others aren’t so lucky with this post-touchdown tradition, and it’s inevitable to see an unlucky person being dropped by their friends.

popcorn drop

 BTW, is that Prince William at the bottom of the photo? Can you say DOPPELGANGER?

The Lost Soul on Campus During Syllabus Week

This one’s a classic: it’s the first day of class and your professor, already too familiar with this situation, announces first and foremost the title of the course. A student awkwardly packs his or her belongings and rushes out of the room.


Another Faceplant Outside Forum

Anyone who has had a class in Forum on a rainy day (and chances are, you have had a class in Forum, and it has rained at least 10 times on the days you had class there) knows that each step needs to be taken with extreme caution. Those colored sidewalks might as well be banana peels considering the number of students who literally fall victim to its slick surface. If you haven’t faceplanted yourself, be grateful, and help those who might have fallen and they can’t get up.

forum rain

The Almighty Bouncer Sees Right Through the Fake I.D.

Not much gets past State College bouncers. During the typical four years spent at Penn State, you’re likely to witness a bouncer questioning the authenticity of a driver’s license and ultimately confiscating it. I mean, it’s the person’s own fault for trying to cheat the system, but I’ve heard those fakes can get pretty pricey. Four for you, Mister Bouncer. I took a stab at making my own realistic fake i.d. even though I’m already 21. I’ll have to try it out at Gaffeoke next Wednesday night. Wish me luck!!

fake id

Confiscation Nation

While on the topic of cruel confiscation, let’s just talk about the newly implemented no-bag policy at Penn State athletic events. Announced in June, most people got the memo to pack extra lightly and to have deep pockets when game day arrived. For those who didn’t, it was a heartbreaking sight to see Coach purses being thrown away for the greater good of humanity. Rules are rules, right? So, so sad.

no bag

Missing the Blue/White Loop

Maybe the person left his or her dorm/house/apartment just a minute later than usual. Maybe they couldn’t get their feet past the yellow line. Or perhaps it was one of those days when they happened to hit every red light en route to the CATA stop. Hey, it happens to the best of us, but when you see that sweat dripping, backpack-bouncing person running to catch that bus just for it to pull gracefully away, you really hate to see it.


 The worst. The absolute worst.

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About the Author

Yuka Narisako

Yuka legally immigrated to the United States via airplane in 1996 from the small island nation of Japan. Since then she has migrated throughout the country and now identifies herself as a senior majoring in Architectural Engineering. The Shandygaff is her Happy Place, though she was once kicked out of the establishment after breaking her shoe and screaming “I LOVE DAY DRINKING. I’M HAVING FUN.” Yuka is overly enthusiastic about life in general, but especially Ja Rule, Halloween, and the puffy black vest she purchased from the Gap. You can reach her at [email protected], or through Twitter @yukahontass.

News & Notes From Neeli Bendapudi’s Live Stream & Conversation With Student Media

Bendapudi touched on the future of Commonwealth Campuses, Penn State Athletics, and more.

No. 3 Penn State Women’s Volleyball Overpowers St. John’s 3-0

The Nittany Lions had 47 kills compared to the Red Storm’s 31.

No. 3 Penn State Women’s Volleyball Sweeps Princeton 3-0

The Nittany Lions close out the Penn State Invitational against St. John’s at 6:30 p.m. Saturday.

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