

Day: September 18, 2013

Penn State Reverses Course on New Health Care Fee

Responding to widespread backlash from faculty and staff, Penn State is backing off plans to impose a $100 per month surcharge on employees who don't fill out a health care survey.

Spot Me Bro: Rec Hall is the Best College Gym

Spot Me Bro ranked the top college gyms in the country, and Penn State's Rec Hall came out on top. Other Big Ten Schools on the list are the University of Iowa, University of Nebraska, and Ohio State.

Penn State Libraries: Ranked Above Princeton’s and Cornell’s

Be proud, Penn Staters. Your library is the 8th-best in North America, according to the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Library Investment Index. Other libraries ranked near Penn State's? Those of mildly significant academic institutions such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton.

This Club Kicks Balls

When Eli Bress began his Sophomore year, he was just a boy with a kickball and a dream. Now, he is a boy with a kickball and a TEAM. Last year, Bress founded one of Penn State's newest club sports, Club Kickball. Today, this club team has grown to sixty members and continues to expand. Some would say it's a gym teacher's dream.

Penn State’s Professors Ranked Third Best In Country by RMP's annual rankings for the best professors in the country was released on Tuesday, and according to the site, Penn State has the country's third-best group of professors.

College Republicans Announce Truth Week Lineup

They say Christmas comes but once a year, but for conservatives at Penn State, Christmas is truly coming twice this year.

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