On Thursday night between the hours of 11:30 p.m. and 11:55 p.m., State College police say two students broke into a bedroom in the Kappa Delta Rho fraternity house and stole three cans of Natural Light.
Tired of making the long trek up to Beaver Stadium on game day? Miss the White Loop and need a safe, reliable way home? This is your chance to stand up for what you deserve and send a message to your elected officials that all Pennsylvanians need access to uberX ridesharing.
Former Penn State soccer standout Ali Krieger has once again been named to the United State's National Team roster in preparation for next year's World Cup.
In this installment of Drunk, Sober, High, we sent three writers to Pegula Ice Arena to learn how to curl.
Hockey season will soon be upon us, and the Pegula Ice Arena is preparing with the Hockey Valley Rally scheduled for Wednesday night at 9 p.m.