

U.S. Marshals Capture Eric Frein, Suspected of Killing Officer From Penn State

Eric Frein, the man accused of killing Pennsylvania State Trooper and Penn State alumnus Cpl. Bryon Dickson, has been captured alive by the United States Marshals, according to reports.

Frein has been on the run since reportedly ambushing Dickson outside the Blooming Grove Barracks on Sept. 12. The trooper was in the process of switching shifts when Frein opened fire on Dickson and Trooper Alex Douglass. Dickson was killed in the attack, which wounded Douglass, who was released from the hospital almost two weeks ago. Frein was on the FBI’s Most Wanted list during the 48-day manhunt throughout Pennsylvania.

Dickson first attended Penn State Worthington Scranton in 1999 after serving in the Marine Corps. He graduated from University Park with a degree in administration of justice and a minor in sociology in 2003. Dickson was a member of the baseball team at the Worthington Scranton campus and served as a Lion Ambassador during his time at the commonwealth campus.

Following graduation, Dickson made the decision to join the Pennsylvania State Police where he became a trooper in 2004.

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About the Author

Ted Hozza

Ted is a senior majoring in Community, the Environment, and Development, or as his friends here at Onward State like to call it, Architecture. You can probably find him at the Phyrst late at night with other Onward Staters if he's not somewhere else editing articles. You can follow him on Twitter @TedHozza or email him at

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