[Live Blog] St. Patrick’s Day At The Phyrst

It’s that joyous time of the year again when we create a very justifiable excuse to drink on a Tuesday.
Yes, St. Patrick’s Day is finally here and we don’t want you to miss out on a second of the action. If you’re in class or still hungover from Spring Break and can’t make it to the Physrt, check in on our Live Blog and imagine yourself with a green beer in your hand.
Unfortunately, we got our priorities mixed up this morning and got a little too excited opting to head straight to the Phyrst. If you want to add in your St. Patrick’s Day experience, tweet us at @OnwardState using the hashtag #PSPDD15.
Also, be sure to follow along with our three writers Noel Purcell (@NamelessRanger), Tim Gilbert (@OlGilb), and Mindy Szkaradnik (@mszkarad) at Table 69 who have been fighting the good fight since 7:00 a.m. this morning.
Live Blog:
2:00 a.m. THEY DID IT! Thanks for following along. Let the countdown to #PSPDD16 begin.
We did it!!!!!!!!
— Mindy Szkaradnik (@mszkarad) March 18, 2015
19 hours later.
1:57 a.m. #NoelUpdate
Despite admitting earlier error in removing me from their establishment, state law precludes me from re-entering the Phyrst. — Noel Purcell (@NamelessRanger) March 18, 2015
As such, I am waiting patiently outside the Phyrst for the emergence of our heroes, @OlGilb and @mszkarad. — Noel Purcell (@NamelessRanger) March 18, 2015
1:55 a.m. Molly Countermine, Penn State professor and lead singer of Maxwell Strait does one final cheers with Ted McCloskey on stage.
1:48 a.m. Ted and the Hi Fis preforming for the crowd at the Phyrst. Only 12 minutes left of #PSPDD15
1:45 a.m. Noel Purcell is on his way back to the Phyrst in the hopes of being there when the festivities end. We’ll let you know if he gets in.
1:40 a.m. Ted and the Hi Fis are finishing up their last set. 1:30 a.m. Tim and Mindy have reached the final stretch. Only 30 minutes to go.
Limping to the finish line. So close. #PSPDD15 — Timbo(!) (@OlGilb) March 18, 2015
1:00 a.m. One more hour left for all the folks still at the Phyrst! 12:53 a.m. Tim Gilbert at Hour 19, ladies and gentlemen. 12:48 a.m. Perseverance and pride are dominating Table 69 as we approach the one hour mark.
I honestly can’t think of anything I’ve ever been more dedicated to than staying at this fucking bar until 2 a.m. #PSPDD15 — Timbo(!) (@OlGilb) March 18, 2015
12:46 a.m. A reader reached out to give Tim Gilbert and Mindy Szkaradnik some much needed words of encouragement.
@mszkarad @OlGilb stay strong guys!!! Had fun following along today haha. #75minutes — Ryan Hogan (@ryanhogan7) March 18, 2015
12:26 a.m. Our two remaining daylongers soldier on through Hour 18. 12:15 a.m. Such tenacity and grit in this performance from Gilbert.
This is feckin intense. Copping the straight stoic look here at Table 69 so I can stay. Only 100 minutes. #PSPDD15 — Timbo(!) (@OlGilb) March 18, 2015
12:10 a.m. We can confirm that Tim has had five drinks spilt on his pants by fellow Phyrst patrons, which makes for just about one every three hours.
12:00 a.m. Two of our staffers, Tim and Mindy, are still going strong as St. Patrick’s Day 2015 comes to an end. The Phyrst, however, will still be celebrating until 2 a.m., so stay tuned for further updates on the quest for 19 hours of #PSPDD15.
11:27 p.m. After 16.5 hours at the Phyrst, Noel Purcell is the first of our three daylongers to be removed from the bar.
And at 11:25 p.m., they asked me to leave. I’m genuinely doing fine, never been kicked out of the Phyrst before. Whatcha gonna do. — Noel Purcell (@NamelessRanger) March 18, 2015
Damn. RIP @NamelessRanger. #PSPDD15 — Timbo(!) (@OlGilb) March 18, 2015
11:22 p.m. We’ve already thanked plenty of our enablers supporters throughout the day, but a few others have earned a shoutout for their much-needed financial assistance. A big thanks goes to Onward State alumni Ali Fogarty, David Morar, and Chase Tralka, as well as friend of the site Anthony Panichelli. 11:08 p.m. On this St. Patrick’s Day, we are thankful for all of the support.
CURRENT Collegian staffers now donating. Unreal. Thanks @EvanRomano for the $4.09 gift #PSPDD15 — Timbo(!) (@OlGilb) March 18, 2015
11:01 p.m. It has been a hard-fought battle and we’ve lost a lot of soldiers along the way, most recently staff writer Greg Schlosser, the latest to fall victim to the Phyrst bouncers and his own inebriation. Mindy Szkaradnik’s nose may be bleeding after 16 hours at the Phyrst, but she is hanging in there.
11:00 p.m. The final three hours are open us! The Nightcrawlers have finished their set. The final band of the day, Ted & The Hi-Fis will take the stage shortly to finish off an emotionally-draining St. Patrick’s Day at the Phyrst.
10:31 p.m. Staters gonna state, state, state, state, state.
10:19 p.m. Our trio of writers is still going strong into the final four hours. Tweet some words of encouragement at them during the home stretch. 10:00 p.m. 2 more hours left of St. Patrick’s Day, which means we’ve reached the final 4 hours at the Phyrst! We also want to thank former Daily Collegian managing editor Anna Orso for a donation to the alcohol fund.
9:32 p.m. The Nightcrawlers are on stage preforming, and the folks at the Phyrst are in good spirits with 4 and a half hours to go. 9:29 p.m. Tim Gilbert’s mother told him to give up on Twitter. What a time to be alive.
“@OlGilb: Oh man. Struggling hard as hell. Hopefully these trash cans from the OS alumni fund will come in handy. don’t struggle. Give up — diah (@DEGtodiffer) March 18, 2015
9:15 p.m. The Nightcrawlers are preparing to take the stage. Hopefully some good music will help perk up Table 69!
I’m not gonna make it fam — Noel Purcell (@NamelessRanger) March 18, 2015
9:05 p.m. After threatening to squirt ketchup on fellow 14-hour Phyrst attendee Mindy Szkaradnik, karma got the best of Tim Gilbert.
Great shit from Lowjack. Your boy ain’t doing too hot, unfortunately. We shall see. #PSPDD15 — Timbo(!) (@OlGilb) March 18, 2015
— diah (@DEGtodiffer) March 18, 2015
8:56 p.m. Mindy Szkaradnik is on hour 14 (!) at the Phyrst. Tim Gilbert threatened to squirt ketchup on her if she tries to leave. She decided to stay put for the time being.
8:45 p.m. Ted Hozza has left the building.
8:32 p.m. Earlier this evening, as we rang in the 12-hour mark, we reported that Onward State News editor Ted Hozza was being shut down by a girl, as per usual.
8:16 p.m. The funds are rolling in now from Onward State alumni, with donations from Drew Balis ($4.09) and Bill DiFilippo. With them, Tim Gilbert has purchased a whopping eight trash cans. Cheers! Meanwhile, our writter Mindy Szaradnik is struggling. “My feet are sticky and I’m delirious,” she said. 8:00 p.m. Onward State favorite Lowjack is rocking the stage at the Phyrst. Check out our video below:
LowJack is the next band at a packed Phyrst. How are you celebrating St. Patrick’s Day? A video posted by Onward State (@onwardstate) on
7:11 p.m. Onward State founders Davis Shaver and Evan Kalikow and alum Ryan Beckler just Venmo’d former Onward State Managing Editor Tim Gilbert beer money. This should keep Gilbert’s mug fill for quite some time.
HOLY SHIT @davisshaver @killakow you are legendary humans pic.twitter.com/FU6yhUJ2BQ — Timbo(!) (@OlGilb) March 17, 2015
7:06 p.m. Sideline report from Noel Purcell: a student in an Oakland A’s hat is the day’s only successful cowbell ringer.
7:00 p.m. We’re 12 hours in! Miraculously, our brave team of bloggers is still standing and well inside the friendly confines of the Phyrst. Fittingly, Onward State’s Penn State News editor Ted Hozza was just turned down by a girl to ring in the 12-hour mark. In other news, the line to enter the bar now stretches to Rita’s.
6:32 p.m. There’s a line growing to enter the Phyrst as the evening hours approach. 6:03 p.m. These two have been here since 7 a.m. All signs suggest they’re still going strong.
5:55 p.m. Lenina Crowne is now covering Float On by Modest Mouse. Check it out here:
5:50 p.m. For the uninitiated:
#PSPDD15 = Phyrst St Patrick’s Day Daylong 2015, btw — Noel Purcell (@NamelessRanger) March 17, 2015
5:43 p.m. We have a Penn State dad appearance! Always a welcome sight. 5:20 p.m. Lenina Crowne, State College’s premiere indie-rock band, now on the stage at the Phyrst. 4:55 p.m. Here’s one of our writer’s reactions upon realizing he’s been drinking at the Phyrst for more than nine hours straight.
4:30 p.m. We’ve just passed the halfway mark! Nine and half more hours until closing time. Come to the Phyrst and grab a Guinness now.
4:20 (nice) p.m. Tommy and the Intrigues get the crowd singing, “hail to the Lion” as they play Penn State’s ever famous anthem “The Nittany Lion.”
4:15 p.m. We’re approaching the halfway mark here and these three Phyrst Girls have been pouring drinks and going strong since 7 a.m. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 4:09 p.m. It’s 4:09!!! Everyone take a drink.
3:46 p.m. Hell yeah. Nobody knows how to party harder than Penn State Dads. Find them and have them buy you a Guinness.
3:19 p.m. Not to fear, the lull is quickly over! Tommy and the Intrigues prepare to take the stage.
3:15 p.m. It’s bound to happen at some point — get us some green, Irish, drunken festivities, pronto.
Hitting a major lull here at the Phyrst. No band. Kind of empty. Need some morale. #PSPDD15 — Timbo(!) (@OlGilb) March 17, 2015
3:00 p.m. And the Michael O’Brian Band has finished its set with a rousing rendition of Smokie’s “Who The Fuck Is Alice?” Eleven hours to go!
2:32 p.m. In an unreal feat, the Michael O’Brian Band has sung the classic favorite “Puff The Magic Dragon” in snippets of the voices of The Beatles, Pat Benatar, Johnny Cash, Bruce Springsteen, Elvis, Billy Idol, and Neil Diamond.
2:27 p.m. Table 69 is hangin’ in there. We believe in you guys. You got this.
Table 69 is holding up very well today. 7 ½ hours down, 11 ½ hours to go. — Noel Purcell (@NamelessRanger) March 17, 2015
2:10 p.m. Onward State Managing Editor Zach Berger arrived at the Phyrst and ordered Table No. 69 a tray of fries.
2:05 p.m. The Unicorn Song, courtesy of the Michael O’Brian Band, echoed throughout the Phyrst earlier. It doesn’t get more Irish than this.
2:00 p.m. @StuffSomersSays of the Daily Collegian attempted to sabotage our Live Blog. Better luck next year.
1:24 p.m. Three knights in green shining armor have been holding down the Phyrst since 7 a.m. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
1:10 p.m. Table Wars erupts for the fourth time today, with Tables 1 and 69 leading and Tables 4 and 8 slacking hard.
1:07 p.m. The Daily Collegian is here at the Phyrst! >
1:00 p.m. Shipping Up to Boston has been played three times so far. Expect many more to follow. >
12:21 p.m. The Michael O’Brian band is full of insults today. Michael O’Brian just called out one of our writers for not being able to grow facial hair.
12:13 p.m. The Michael O’Brian band just proposed a toast and then continued to insult all of those drinking green beer. Of course, the band follows up by singing the Guinness theme song. >
11:15 a.m. If the green beard is any indicator, this man probably hasn’t missed out on a St. Patrick’s Day in 40 years.
9:57 a.m. Table wars have finally begun and we are well underway here at the Phyrst. >
9:16 a.m. That didn’t take long. >
8:05 a.m. Come on man, someone needs to get this guy a kilt. >
8:00 a.m. If you’re wearing a kilt today, you get bonus points in our books. >
7:41 a.m. All the hits are being played early this morning to get the Phyrst going. >
7:30 a.m. It’s never too early for Bear Fight on St. Patrick’s Day.
7:15 a.m. Only on St. Patrick’s Day.
7:12 a.m. What a time to be alive indeed. >
6:58 a.m. The Phyrst opened its doors at 7 a.m. this morning. The line didn’t stretch as far to Rita’s, but there were certainly a large group of loyal Irishmen that couldn’t wait to drink some green beer.
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