

Rally To Support KDR Facebook Victims Set For Tomorrow On Old Main Steps

Students will hold a rally on the steps of Old Main at noon Friday to support the victims of Kappa Delta Rho’s alleged Facebook pages.

According to the event’s description on Facebook, organizers wish to speak out against the actions of the members of the fraternity and the university’s administration. “We find the actions of the fraternity members to be deplorable, criminal, and inexcusable,” the page reads. The description also states that the organizers find the university’s response to beĀ “pathetic, non-committal, and delayed,” and are demanding a stronger response from Penn State.

The Interfraternity Council immediately instituted a full-chapter suspension on Kappa Delta Rho after allegations of two Facebook pages depicting pictures of unsuspecting women, strippers, drugs, and hazing came to light. The IFC followed with a one-year suspension on the fraternity in unison with KDR’s national headquarters on Tuesday.

Flyers for the event were also distributedĀ on campus today, urging students to stand up for the individuals depicted on the fraternity’s Facebook page. There are currently over 450 people marked as attending the event on Facebook.

Here’s a flyer that has been circulating around campus promoting the event:



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About the Author

Ted Hozza

Ted is a senior majoring in Community, the Environment, and Development, or as his friends here at Onward State like to call it, Architecture. You can probably find him at the Phyrst late at night with other Onward Staters if he's not somewhere else editing articles. You can follow him on Twitter @TedHozza or email him at [email protected].

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