

Day: September 22, 2015

Haleigh Washington Earns Second 2015 B1G Player Of The Week Award

The nation's former No. 1 recruit is living up to the hype, as sophomore Haleigh Washington won her second Big Ten Player of the Week honor this season.

Not One Drop: The Alcohol Ban At Tailgates That Begins At Kickoff

If you do not have a ticket for a Penn State football game, you better not plan on drinking while you're watching the game from your tailgate. Since 2006, the university has banned drinking after kickoff... and we are not the only school to do so.

The 10 Most Obscure Course Names at Penn State

If your next semester course load seems dull, check out the ten most interesting classes offered at Penn State.

Penn State Recruiting Update: Where We Stand

James Franklin and his staff have Penn State shocking the recruiting world. See where the 2016 class stands now and who is left on the board.

Penn State-Themed Rooms: The Best Of The Best

We asked, and you answered. Here are some of our favorite Penn State themed rooms.

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