Seven Penn State alumni saw action in the NFL Divisional Playoffs. Although none were stars of their respective games, Jesse James, Jordan Noorwood, and Tamba Hali made significant impacts.
Spring sports are in full swing at Penn State with 13 programs participating in events this weekend. This weekend in sports was highlighted by a men's hockey series sweep, a men's basketball victory, and a broken collegiate record for track.
Guster first hit the Happy Valley stage in 2012, and they're headed back to the State Theater for another exciting and engaging performance.
For breakfast lovers in the State College area, it will be a sad day when March 1 rolls around. Callao Cafe, a hidden gem among locals, plans to close its doors if they are unable to find someone to sell the crepe eatery to.
Students who want to join one of Penn State's 46 fraternities will have the chance to begin the process this week.