

Day: April 11, 2016

Blue-White Autograph Session Moves To Beaver Stadium Gates

This year, the football team will be signing autographs at select Beaver Stadium gates from 11:15 a.m.-12:05 p.m. on April 16. Players will be grouped by position at designated gates.

Seventh Annual Paterno Family Beaver Stadium Run Set For Sunday

Thousands of runners and walkers will unite for a good cause again this Blue-White Weekend, as the seventh annual Paterno Family Beaver Stadium Run takes over campus to raise money for the Pennsylvania Special Olympics.

Get Ready To Feel The Bern: Bernie Sanders Opens Downtown Office

The Bernie Sanders campaign has officially opened an office downtown on South Allen Street.

Penn State Students For Trump President Appears On CNN

Ryan Belz spoke on CNN Saturday morning for a panel discussion about the harassment he reportedly receives for supporting Donald Trump on campus.

IST Startup Week Begins Today

Hosted by the College of Information Sciences and Technology, Silicon Valley meets Happy valley in a week chalked full of notable speakers, workshops, networking events, and think tanks.

Celebrate Penn State Spirit During PS i(heart)U Week

To celebrate Penn State pride, the Blue and White Society will host the third annual PS i(heart)U week, which includes events such as performances from My Zero Hero and Go Go Gadget, and a showing of the new Star Wars movie on the HUB lawn.

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