Though the Big Ten announced plans on Wednesday for six Friday night games in 2017, Penn State issued a release declaring no interest in hosting one of said contests.
Freshman Laura Freigang will miss Penn State's upcoming NCAA Tournament run to play in the U-20 Women's World Cup in Papua New Guinea starting Nov. 13.
An Independent Taser Advisory Committee that looked at the policies and practices of both the State College Police and the Penn State Police released their final report, recommending more public education on Tasers and guidelines for their use.
"Inherit the Wind" is a charming mix of humor and heartbreak. It pulls on the heart-strings, but also makes you question your own fundamental belief system.
There are plenty of reasons to be very excited for the next few seasons. Most of them start with the letter N: Nolf, Nickal, and Nevills.
IQ Escape announced Tuesday it will open a new escape room location at the Hamilton Square Shopping Center in December.