

Your THON 2018 Master Playlist

Now that the 46 hours of dancing to popular songs of the past and present is over, it’s time to listen and reminisce to 33 more hours of the sounds of THON 2018.

Of the approximate 530 songs played (not including any original songs by live bands or songs not available on Spotify), quite a few of them were repeated during the weekend.

Coming in at the No. 1 most played song at THON 2018 was (drumroll, please) “Seven Nation Army” by The White Stripes. It can be heard at every football game and other events on campus, so it makes sense that it made its way onto the THON playlist six times. Tied for a close second with five total plays each were “I Want It That Way” by Backstreet Boys and “Sugar, We’re Going Down” by Fall Out Boy.

Here’s every song played at THON 2018, in order:

Enjoy your forays to the gym this year when your soundtrack quickly switches from Justin Bieber to “Angels Among Us.” THON is every day.

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