

Day: August 14, 2018

Incoming Penn State Track & Field Athlete Kristian Marche Shot To Death In Philadelphia

The incident surrounding Marche's death is "under investigation," according to the Philadelphia police department.

Heinz Field Sold Out For Pitt-Penn State

The game is scheduled for an 8 p.m. kickoff on Saturday, September 8.

Nick Scott Evolving Into Seasoned Leader For Penn State

"He's one of the best athletes on the team, and he and Trace are our best two leaders on the team," Terry Smith said of safety Nick Scott.

Girirajan Lab Seeks To Bridge The Gap Between Fly And Human Genomes

The lab uses a combination of human genomics, computational biology, and functional studies, using Drosophila and human cell lines, to understand the risks caused by genetic mutations and to grasp how gene disruption leads to altered neurodevelopment.

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