

Day: March 25, 2020


Penn State Releases Full Grading Information For Spring 2020 Classes

Students will have the option to replace earned letter grades in any of their courses with one of three alternative grades.


Grant Ament Discusses Penn State Lacrosse Career, Path To Happy Valley

Penn State lacrosse star Grant Ament went on US Lacrosse Magazine's "Overtime with Paul Caracterra" podcast on Monday.


UPUA Candidates Face Challenge Of Running First Remote Campaign

Penn State's transition to remote learning due to the coronavirus pandemic has forced this year's candidates to rely on online campaigning more than ever before as they seek to boost their platforms from afar.


Days For Girls Club Sewing Masks For Healthcare Workers

As the coronavirus continues to spread across the world, those in the healthcare world are beginning to experience a shortage of medical masks. Members of Penn State's Days for Girls club saw this shortage and decided to put their sewing skills to work.


Virtual Zoom Backgrounds To Use When You Miss Penn State

Zoom backgrounds are probably designed for some type of educational purpose, but if you're missing Penn State, this feature can make you feel more at home. Here are a few places to visit thanks to the great world of technology.


Student Body President Laura McKinney’s Love Letter To Penn State

"I can assure you we will all meet again. When we do, the cheers in Beaver Stadium will be a bit louder, the ice cream at the Creamery will taste a bit sweeter, the Lion Shrine in the moonlight will shine a bit brighter, the gentle hush of the library will even be a more peaceful, laughs and smiles will look a bit more beautiful, and the bells in Old Main will ring a bit truer."

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