

10 Questions With Onward State Managing Editor Keeley Lamm

Recently, the Class of 2023 set sail into the ~real world~, and with it went former managing editor Gabe Angieri. The end of Angieri’s reign ushered in a new era: the Lamm Era.

Former associate editor Keeley Lamm was named Onward State’s 18th managing editor at the final all-staff meeting of the semester. Before she gets too busy running the world’s most-followed student media outlet, Lamm sat down with us to discuss herself, Penn State, and of course, the blog.

OS: Tell the folks at home a little about yourself.

Keeley Lamm: I’m a junior journalism major with minors in digital media trends and analytics and sports studies, and I’m from Richmond, Virginia.

I joined Onward State as a first-semester freshman and my college experience has largely revolved around the blog ever since.

OS: Why did you pick Penn State?

KL: I never anticipated that I’d end up at Penn State and hadn’t considered it until halfway through high school. I toured Penn State the summer after my sophomore year and almost instantly knew that Happy Valley was where I’d end up.

I nearly passed out (for unknown reasons) during my tour of Innovation Park (RIP), and Emily Miller handed me a juice box and a cookie and that sealed the deal.

My dad and his entire side of the family are Nittany Lions, so it makes perfect sense that I fell in love with Penn State just like they did.

OS: How did you find out about Onward State?

KL: Unfortunately, I don’t have a striking story about how I came across the blog for the first time but I can confidently say I’ve been a longtime follower.

At some point during my junior year of high school, I stumbled into Onward State and followed it pretty closely after that because I knew I wanted to be a part of the blog when I landed at Penn State. I was lucky enough to do just that and the rest is history, I suppose.

OS: Do you have a favorite Onward State article?

KL: This question isn’t fair. However, I’ve concluded that my favorite article is Onward State alum Colleen Nersten’s investigative look into the 12 Michaels of THON 2023. It’s truly Big J journalism and a perfect example of what makes Onward State special.

My favorite Podward State episode is definitely when the crew interviewed retired Oscar Mayer Frankfurters (???) All-American Ashley and Relish Rachel. Frankly, it might be the best Podward State episode of all time.

OS: What are some of your goals for the blog this year?

KL: It’s hard to narrow down to just one goal I want to accomplish at Onward State. Although it’s a cop-out answer, my ultimate goal is to help Onward State continue to generate the incredible content its produced for the last 15 years.

I’m excited to lead our writers, photographers, graphic designers, and videographers throughout the year at the best student-run media outlet in the world at the best school in the world.

OS: What inspired you to apply for the position of managing editor?

KL: The role of managing editor wasn’t exactly on my radar during my freshman year but I always believed that, if it was right, my time would come eventually.

It turns out that eventually was a lot sooner than I expected. Former Onward State managing editor Gabe Angieri arrived at a gathering for my birthday on the third week of my sophomore year and bluntly asked if I wanted to be the next managing editor. Hell of a birthday gift, Gabe.

So since September 2022, I’ve had a pretty good idea that I’d eventually take the reins of Onward State, and I had a lot of time to prepare myself for the responsibility and feel confident taking over.

I love Onward State and knew that I had more to give, so it was only fitting that I fell into this role.

OS: What have you learned from former managing editor Gabe Angieri?

KL: Gabe taught me so much and thank goodness for that.

Leading Onward State is absolutely a full-time job and, unlike a typical nine-to-five, a managing editor doesn’t have the luxury of completely logging off after a day’s work. Gabe inspired me with his dedication to the blog all day every day and set the bar high regarding how to be a consistently successful managing editor.

At the same time, he demonstrated how to make the thankless, demanding job fun. Gabe left pretty big shoes to fill but knowing that I’ll always have him as a resource and friend is invaluable to me.

He also taught me a lot about commas.

OS: When you aren’t busy blogging, what do you enjoy doing?

KL: Simply, I like nothing more than hanging out on a porch with my friends.

If I’m not participating in Porch Time, you can probably find me eating grilled cheese, watching professional women’s soccer, or listening to old man music.

OS: What’s your favorite part about Onward State?

KL: It’s really the people that make Onward State what it is. You can always count on us to report the news, let you know what’s going on in the world of Penn State Athletics, or record an awesome podcast episode, but behind the scenes is where the magic happens.

I’ve never been a part of an organization as talented, motivated, and funny as Onward State, and it led me to some of the most meaningful relationships of my life.

I wouldn’t want to drive 30 hours to and from Iowa, pull pranks, get voluntarily roasted, or spend my Sunday afternoons with any other group. That’s my favorite part.

OS: As per OS tradition, if you could be a dinosaur, which one would you be and why?

KL: If I was a dinosaur, I would probably be a diplodocus because they look awesome.

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About the Author

Anna Wiggins

Anna is a senior (ew) public relations major from Alexandria, Virginia, and is Onward State's social media manager. Anna spends her days contemplating what emoji to use in a tweet and dreaming of Doggie's Pub's hot dogs, in that order. Share your song recommendations with her on Twitter @annaewiggins and send your best gossip to her email, [email protected].

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