

Author: Ryan Beckler

About the Author

Ryan Beckler

Ryan is a senior in the Smeal College of Business majoring in Marketing. He is a Lion Ambassador who loves giving tours to prospective students. His favorite activities include distributing news and consuming Chipotle.

Incumbents Face Tough Road for Reelection on the Penn State Board of Trustees

With another (mostly painful) year in the books, it’s campaign season again in Happy Valley, and this spring, two incumbents are trying to overcome cynical advertising, eroded friendships, and frequent scathing comments from alumni to secure another term on the Penn State Board of Trustees.

PS4RS Endorse Doran, Oldsey, Brown for PSU BoT

After a week-long primary, the alumni watchdog group Penn Staters for Responsible Stewardship (PS4RS) has announced the endorsements of three trustee candidates: Edward “Ted” Brown, III, Barbara L. Doran and William F. Oldsey.

Jerry Sandusky Interview to Air on Monday

The former longtime defensive coordinator will describe what he says happened on the campus, and what he thinks of whistleblower Mike McQueary and late head coach Joe Paterno.

Arguments Heard in Mike McQueary vs. Penn State Case

Attorneys representing Mike McQueary and Penn State convened at the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte today to present their preliminary arguments before Judge Thomas Gavin.

Bar Hopping With Mike the Mailman

As it turns out, Mike Herr, better known to the Penn State community as Mike the Mailman, has been running his own tour for over two decades. This isn’t just any bar tour though, this is the “Cheers First Class Tour.”

Class Review: Snowboarding (KINES 012)

Sadly, this semester will be my last at Penn State, and, like many seniors, I waited until the last moment to complete my last GHA (General Health and Activity) credits. I decided to take something a little unorthodox: Snowboarding.

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