

Author: Alicia Thomas

About the Author

Alicia Thomas

Alicia is a senior with majors in Print Journalism and Spanish and a minor in International Studies. Chances are that she's somewhere talking about her semester abroad or ranting about sexual assault prevention right now. She can be reached via Twitter (@aliciarthomas) or email ([email protected]).

Freshmen 101: 10 Ways You Shouldn’t Try to Pick Up Chicks

One of many reasons romantic comedies are secretly terrible for you-- they make guys think they can just say whatever they want to a lady, and as long as they say it with a charmingly crooked smile, everything will work out. Hate to burst your bubble, dudes, but that's not true. Especially at Penn State.

Puppies for Finals Week: Ask and You Shall Receive

At "Fun For Finals!" you'll get to enjoy stress-free activities like arts and crafts, bubble-blowing, hula-hooping, and--wait for it-- PETTING AND PLAYING WITH SOME ADORABLE FREAKING PUPPIES!

The Sad Truth About Penn State’s Finals Week Puppy Room

These spirit-lifting rumors have been circulating for so long now that you had gotten your hopes up, and you're even more depressed about finals week now that you know it will be a seemingly infinite puppy-less abyss.... Shhhh, there, there. If it's any consolation, these puppies are just as sad that you aren't playing with them as you are.

Celebrate Earth Day at Penn State

As any eco-conscious Penn State student (or anyone who has used an on campus bathroom recently and had the opportunity to read this week's Stall Stories) knows, this Monday April 22 is Earth Day. Show your support for environmental protection by attending the events that will be going on around campus all day long.

Penn State Men Against Violence Will “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes”

Men Against Violence is a group of really cool dudes who, in partnership with the Center for Women Students, just want to stop gender violence. This Thursday, they'll step into a pair of pumps for Penn State's third annual "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes," the international men's march to stop rape and sexual assault.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Join the Fight!

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and there are all kinds of things happening on campus to raise sexual assault awareness. Throw on some teal, get to these events, and show your support!

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