

Author: Alicia Thomas

About the Author

Alicia Thomas

Alicia is a senior with majors in Print Journalism and Spanish and a minor in International Studies. Chances are that she's somewhere talking about her semester abroad or ranting about sexual assault prevention right now. She can be reached via Twitter (@aliciarthomas) or email (

Relay For Life to Host Annual Paint PSU Pink Day

This Wednesday, Oct. 22, Relay for Life of Penn State will host their annual "Paint PSU Pink" event in celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Visit the HUB between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. wearing the best pink items in your wardrobe and tell Relay captains why you wear pink.

Penn State Activist ‘Carries That Weight’ to Fight Sexual Violence

Lamb is that person you've seen walking around campus with a full-sized mattress. She organized this mattress carry at Penn State after reading about Columbia student Emma Sulkowicz, one of 23 students who filed a federal Title IX complaint last semester after the university mishandled cases of rape and sexual assault.

Overheard on Homecoming Weekend

From Beaver Stadium to Beaver Avenue, here are the best things that Onward State overheard on Homecoming weekend in Happy Valley.

Annual Security Report Indicates Decline in Crime on Campus

According to the Annual Security Report, last year there were 40 burglaries, 19 aggravated assaults, 17 forcible sexual offenses, and eight fires reported on campus. Additionally, 10 forcible sexual offenses occurred off campus in buildings that are owned or controlled by Penn State, and one forcible sexual offense occurred off campus on public property. These numbers represent a decrease from last year.

Overheard on the White Loop (Again)

I know, I know, we've done Overheard on the White Loop before. But when the quotes call, you answer. I bring you: Overheard on the White Loop (Again).

Big Ten Supports “It’s On Us” Campaign for Sexual Assault Prevention

The Big Ten Conference will help promote the It's On Us campaign and its efforts to change think and talk about sexual assault. The Big Ten is listed as one of the campaign's 40 notable partners, including other organizations like the NCAA and Pac-12.

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