

Author: Ally Eaton

About the Author

Ally Eaton

Ally is a sophomore public relations major from York, Pennsylvania and is one of Onward State's social media editors. She gets to write awesome feature stories and create epic content for our social media pages. Ally is a lover of country music and Trader Joe's. If you'd like to discuss March Madness or your most creative coffee order, feel free to contact her on Twitter @allyeaton31 or in her inbox [email protected].

Student Life

Your ‘College Football Playoff’ Playlist

Where else would you "Rather Be" on Saturday?

Student Life

Your ‘LTFI, It’s Finals Week’ Playlist

Put those headphones on and power through, Penn State.

Student Life

Your Penn State-Themed Holiday Decorations

Four hundred and nine Champs cups makes for the perfect Christmas tree.

Student Life

Your Big Ten Championship Playlist

One-hundred-and-twenty-one songs and seven hours and 31 minutes of straight championship vibes.

We Want To See Your Penn State-Themed Holiday Decorations

Whether it's Nittany Lion stockings hanging from your apartment bar, a Penn State tree topper, or a holiday wreath, Penn State holiday decorations come in all shapes and sizes.

Student Life
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