

Author: Caitlin Silver

About the Author

Caitlin Silver

Caitlin is from a small Pennsylvania town called Unionville, which is by West Chester, which is by Philadelphia. She is a sophomore in the Smeal College of Business and will probably major in accounting. Caitlin loves "How I Met Your Mother" and dougnuts.

Kiwi Fro-Yo Comes to Penn State

The Kiwi Yogurt chain is opening its newest store right here in State College, next to the Student Book Store at 324 E. College Ave, this February (no word yet on exact date). Kiwi is a Maine Line, Pa.-based, family-owned company founded in 2008 set on providing “the ultimate dessert experience.”

And it is quite the experience. When you walk in, there is - prepare yourselves - a wall of frozen yogurt options. You get to walk up to this beautiful wall and vend yourself as many flavors as you like.

IFC-PHC Producing YouTube Video to Feature Greek Leaders

The IFC and PHC are teaming up to do a promotional video showcasing some major Greek talent. The video—due out within the next two weeks—will highlight a variety of Greek leaders on campus and their accomplishments.

When asked why they chose to make a video, IFC president Dan Florencio said, “It’s a form of media we haven’t utilized in the past.”

While the IFC may not have exploited the viral nature of YouTube yet, some of their Greek broskis have: “Death to Greek Life”, a video made by ex-AEPi members, criticized the Interfraternity Council for their conduct over the past two years. When asked if this new, positive video was a response to the recently made “Death to Greek Life,” Florencio responded, “absolutely not,” adding, “[We’re] just featuring Greek talent in a new way.”

Vote For Edublogs!

The seventh annual Edublog Award winners will be announced next week. The Eddies, or edublogs, were created in 2005 as a response to the restricted access many schools and universities placed on educational blog sites.

Student Trustee Application Now Available

The Board of Trustees of The Pennsylvania State University is looking for a new Student Trustee. Through the University’s charter, the Board has been given the responsibility for the government and well-being of Penn State, including the interests of students, faculty, administrators, and alumni.

We Are…Discriminating Against Blind People?

The National Federation for the blind field a formal complaint against Penn State last Friday, November 12. The complaint, which was issued by the largest organization for the blind in the U.S., claimed that blind students and professors suffer “pervasive and ongoing discrimination” because of the inaccessibility of the technology available on campus.

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