THON hasn't ended for the 2016 dancers. Rotelli is providing an all you can eat buffet for dancers who present their dancer number tag.
When line dance leader Heather Grace Thomas sleeps, her alternate dance captains take her place. We sat down (stood up) for 10 questions with alternate line dance leader Rick Melli to find out what his experience is like.
Dancers beware: the Penn State THON Snapchat now displays an hourly countdown. Stay off the app if you're trying to avoid knowing what time it is.
Everyone THON's for the kids, but not everyone THONs the same way. We compared the experiences of different organizations and how they all THON in their own way.
Parents Vicki and Howie Raphaelson have a daughter dancing in THON and another in the stands. The parents traveled from Long Island this weekend and shared with us what THON is like from a parent's perspective.