

Author: Casey Dexter

About the Author

Emily Whitehead Featured on NBC Nightly News

THON child Emily Whitehead, whose amazing story has been shared world-wide, was featured last night on NBC Nightly News. Emma, as she is more commonly known, has been a bright face of THON and continues to inspire hope to all those fighting for the cure.

Penn State Alumnus Makes ‘Conan’ Debut

Earlier this November, comedian and writer Adam Yenser, a 2005 Penn State graduate, got the opportunity to perform some stand up comedy on TBS's “Conan."

Penn State Parents Program: Calling All PTA Moms

The Penn State Parents Program (a.k.a "Fancy PTA") is currently accepting applications from parents of first-year, transfer, and change-of-campus students. Parents will meet twice a year to speak with the Vice President of Student Affairs, the Vice President and Dean for Undergrad Education, and the Parents Program Director. Parents will also have the opportunity to share ideas and offer input to the program's board.

My Confession: I Left the Michigan Game 10 Minutes Early

Penn State was down by a touchdown, and I honestly didn’t think anything more would happen. I was satisfied with an eventful Homecoming week, a fun day of tailgating, and an awesome game -- I didn’t think cutting out of the game a little early would mean anything. My god, was I wrong.

Are You an Extreme Stater?

Do you enjoying challenging obstacle courses in a fast-paced atmosphere? Can you work well with a team without losing your temper? Can you run more than two miles without getting hungry? If so, you may just be extreme enough for Penn State's Extreme Stater race!

Eat Home-Cooked Meals On Campus, Courtesy of Your Classmates

Eat Home-Cooked Meals On Campus, Courtesy of Your Classmates in HRIM 430.

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