

Author: Davis

About the Author


Creator of @OnwardState. Big fan of sweaters.

Happy Holidays from Onward State

With six more showings of A Christmas Story and plenty of food left to eat, Christmas Day is finally here. From all of us at Onward State, we hope you and yours have a happy holidays. We'll catch you on the flipside.

Is This Joe Paterno’s Last Season?

As the Outback Bowl approaches, rumors about an imminent retirement announcement from Joe Paterno have returned in full force.

Retirement rumors are a staple of the Penn State football beat, an ever-present slant that commentators with nothing substantial to discuss pursue relentlessly. Just like I am about to...

Onward State Takes a Break for the Holidays

It's that time of year again. Christmas music, cookies, and checking eLion compulsively for your fall semester grades.

As Penn State students take a break for the holidays, Onward State will too.

Ex-AEPi Members Blast IFC, PSU in ‘Death to Greek Life’

We're still trying to figure out exactly what it is-- a class project, a documentary, a piece of organizational PR-- but 'Death to Greek Life' has been a great distraction in an otherwise typically dreary finals week. It's a pretty long video but pretty well made (and with some brotastic moments).

Penn State Plans to Offer Fewer M/W Classes

University spokeswoman Annemarie Mountz confirmed this morning that Penn State is shifting away from Monday/Wednesday classes.

The official explanation? Returning to a Monday/Wednesday/Friday standard will produce a more even distribution of class hours over the week.

Seen on ANGEL: Markets in Everything, Finals Edition

With finals here, some students are realizing that it’s time for desperate measures… including paying someone else to study with them. What’s the furthest you’ve seen someone go to cram before a test?

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