

Author: Dennis McNamara

About the Author

Dennis McNamara

Dennis McNamara is a senior studying International Relations. The product of a long and muddy Irish lineage, Dennis blames that sour heritage and his Boston area upbringing for the flaws in his character. The only paid writer for Onward State, Dennis has never been described as a team player as he often thinks of himself as “the smartest guy in the room.” In addition to contributing to Onward State, Dennis is also Creative Director for Full Ammo Improv. Dennis isn’t sure when he’s kidding either.

Mounting Onward State: An Editor’s Swan Song

Read the first of Onward State's senior columns after the jump.

The Worst Classes I Took At Penn State: “The Saccharine 16”

With March Madness and Scheduling Madness upon us, and being in the sunset of my college career, I thought it would be appropriate to orchestrate a sixteen-class bracket of the courses at Penn State wherein I was must struck with the thought, “Why am I here?”

Distraction of the Day: Kanye Zone

Not ready to transition back to the grind of normal academia? Wish you were still on a beach, two–thirds into a handle of Jose Cuervo, blasting your “Spring Break: Rack City” playlist? Well, here’s the distraction for you: Don’t Let Kanye into his Zone.

Anonymous? I’m Not Crazy About That.

This week, Onward State will be implementing a pilot program to see how our website’s community would benefit from Facebook integration with our comment system. We have a hunch that Facebook integration will bring forth a new dawn of accountability and thusly raise the level of discourse on our website. You’re still welcome to accuse Kevin Horne of being a virgin in our comment section (encouraged, even), but just know that now we’re going to “poke” you when you do.

An Annotated Depressing Valentine’s Day Playlist

As a contrast to all the shallow and commercial tokens of love which suffocate us all during this Valentine's Day season, I thought it might be nice to assemble a playlist of depressing songs I've listened to in dark periods of heartbreak.

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