

Author: Luke Pieczynski

About the Author

Luke Pieczynski

Luke is a junior accounting major hailing from Pittsburgh, PA, and is Onward State's social media manager. He can often be found sipping on a cold brew or skipping through his Spotify playlist to find a song that's just right. Please send your best take on why VLOOKUP is better than INDEX and MATCH to his Twitter @lukepie11 or his email [email protected].

Student Life

Homecoming 2024 Captain Applications Now Open

Applicants have until Sunday, February 25, to submit their applications on Homecoming's website.

Student Life

Your Spring 2024 Sylly Week Playlist

With songs like "New Romantics (Taylor's Version)" by Taylor Swift and "Modern Girl" by Bleachers, this playlist will hopefully get you ready to walk to your classes through the snow.

Student Life

Your ‘It’s Time To Lock In For Finals’ Playlist

With songs like "Kiss It Better" to "I Wish You Would (Taylor's Version)," this playlist has everything you need to push through a late-night study session wherever you're studying.

Student Life

Penn State Libraries To Host ‘De-Stress Fest’ Events Throughout Finals Week

De-Stress Fest activities will begin on Sunday, December 10, and run until Thursday, December 14, for students throughout finals week.

Penn State

Tonya Peeples Named Dean Of Penn State College Of Engineering

Peeples has been serving in the role in an interim capacity since July 2023.

Student Life

Our Favorite Replies To Onward State’s Student Ticket Exchange

"I cried at the michigan game and hugged a security worker for about 10 min because it was my last game as a student"

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