Penn State is known for it's diversity and that diversity is not exclusive to race, nationality, religion, and otherwise. Oh no, there are hundreds of personality types in and around campus on the daily. They live in your hall, they eat at the same commons as you, and you attend class with them. But it's no secret that some stick out more than others. Here's a run down of a few that you are sure to run into on your first day.
Just when you thought Penn State couldn’t be first in even one more thing, our very own Smeal College of Business was ranked first in supply chain undergraduate education in the country not once, not twice, but now three times.
He had a pizza crawl named after him, so it only made sense that coach Herb Hand had a hand (see what I did there?) in last night's Father’s Day special of "Chopped" on the Food Network. The endearing offensive line guru went head-to-head with three other fathers on the hit show to the delight of fans of novelty.
They say saving the best for last is the way to go, which isn’t always true, but it definitely is for dessert. Just like Happy Valley is jam packed with cheap pizza places and beer, it doesn’t fail to provide with a healthy variety of places to grab some sweets. However, these aren’t just any dessert joints – they’re THE dessert joints of State College.
Believe it or not, there's other places in State College that sell great ice cream. Meyer Dairy is one of them.
So maybe it didn’t exactly come from Italy, but we all know and love it just the same. Oh yeah, I’m talking about pizza. But not just any pizza, no sir. I’m here to tell you a little bit about the top five surprisingly wonderful pizza places a townie like myself can’t live a day without.