

Author: Noah Simmons

About the Author

Noah Simmons

Noah is an International Politics major minoring in French. Noah participates in the Mock Trial team, the Sailing Team, and is the president/founder of the Odyssey of the Mind club. Besides pushing the limit of what is journalistically acceptable, Noah enjoys long walks on the beach and football. In a previous lifetime he was William Wallace

GSpan to Release State of University Address Sept. 17

There are some things that are bound to happen every year at Penn State: Rumors swirl about JoePa retiring. People raise an absurd amount of money for THON. But the most important occurrence of all is the Graham Spanier State of the University Address.


Afroman to Get High at Penn State

Yes, that's right, Afroman (Joseph Foreman) is coming to Happy Valley. This Grammy-nominated artist who brought us the popular songs "Because I Got High" and "Crazy Rap" (better known as "Colt 45") will be performing at 9 p.m. at the Mezzanine. Tickets are available at the door and cost $10.

Bed Bugs Pose Dorm Threat

In recent months, the United States has been suffering a new “epidemic." No, it's not swine flu, SARS, or Bieber Fever.

Paternoville Welcomes Big Changes

It truly is what separates the men from the boys, and the awkwardly feminine from the possibly Canadian. It is Paternoville, and in the mind of this journalist it is one of the things that truly separates Penn State from the pack. This past week, I participated in the first Paternoville of the year in anticipation of the Youngstown State game. This year brings with it a renovated Gate A, and slightly new procedures for Paternoville.

“Climategate” Professor Dodges Another Bullet

And you thought you were having a rough year! Take a look at Meteorology professor Michael Mann's. Mann was the subject of a recent Virginia court case that focused on his time spent at the University of Virginia and grants he may have used in his climate research. The Virginia Attorney General, Kenneth Cuccinelli, lost his case forcing UVA to disclose the grant documents, but Mann still might not be out of the woods.

Read on to see what could be next for Mann...

45,000 Students…No Performance Space?

The meek shall inherit the...nothing? That's wha it's seemed like lately at Penn State, if you take out "meek" and replace it with "performing arts groups". For all the dozens of performing arts groups at Penn State, our fine, state-sponsored University has not a single performing arts space for student organizations. Groups like No Refund Theater, Full Ammo Improv, The Thespians, and countless a capella groups who desire a location to perform have been left recently having to scavenge for large lecture halls. An existent problem for many years, the limited number of performance space has come to the breaking point.

Learn more after the jump...

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