

Author: Robert

About the Author


Robert is a level 80 wizard who enjoys watching Korean Starcraft matches. He also likes to play the guitar and read about technology.

The PSU Website: Just How Good is It?

The internet is taking over print media more and more every day. Unfortunately, not every college utilizes it to the fullest. Russell Powell, a PR officer at Elms College, realized this and recently wrote an editorial for The Chronicle of Higher Education detailing his thoughts on what a college website should be like. Powell writes […]

The Netbook Revolution

More and more students these days use laptops to take notes in class, or bring them around campus to browse the internet and do homework.  Thanks to the proliferation of WiFi hotspots, students can perform work from more places than ever before.  But laptops’ dominance in students’ lives may soon be over, thanks to a […]

Smartphones and U

So you just turned on that brand new Blackberry.  Great!  Unfortunately, you’re probably not using it to its full potential. Smartphones, the generic term for phones with more advanced capabilities, are becoming very popular among college students.  Below are a few ideas on how to best use your devices. E-Mail In college, more than ever, […]

Why Penn State’s Bandwidth Limitation Sucks

As Penn State students, we are very familiar with the bandwidth limitation.  The 4 gigabyte a week download/4 gigabyte a week upload limit is something that I truly hate. What Penn State fails to realize is that now more than ever, the internet is for fun as well as work.  As a hardcore gamer, I […]
