

Day: February 26, 2009

Do Your Feet a Favor

Unless you’re sporting some serious hiking boots, constant walking can really take a toll on your body, especially your legs and feet. Don’t want to trade in your favorite kicks for practical alternatives? You don’t have to. Last week at McLanahan’s, I purchased Ironman gel insoles for my aging shoes. Aside from the lickable body […]

Overheard on Twitter: College Fail

Sorry to break it to you honey, but your mom is lying to you.

The PSU Website: Just How Good is It?

The internet is taking over print media more and more every day. Unfortunately, not every college utilizes it to the fullest. Russell Powell, a PR officer at Elms College, realized this and recently wrote an editorial for The Chronicle of Higher Education detailing his thoughts on what a college website should be like. Powell writes […]

NFL Combine Stock Watch

The 2009 NFL Combine has come and gone, and that means that prospective pro football careers for eight Nittany Lions have started to take form. While we originally promised updates throughout the combine, nothing monumental happened to warrant coverage of former Penn State players. Andre Smith may have foolishly cost himself a top-10 selection, Michael […]

Onward State in the News, a site run by Jay Rosen of NYU, recognized Onward State’s Twitter account in a post published on Tuesday. Our Twitter account was deemed “worth emulating.” Here’s a link to the post. These are the criteria Beat Blogging used to pick its top tier of Twitter accounts. These outlets are engaging in conversations, utilizing […]

The Natty Nittany

“A Sophomore on the Streets.”  Photographed on College Ave. Ladies – take a lesson from this one.  This is a stellar outfit.  Very simple, yet still very hip.  The purple topcoat is a great piece, especially with the raw edging and the accented pocket lining.  An atypical wash dresses up her denim a bit more […]

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