

Author: Yuka Narisako

About the Author

Yuka Narisako

Yuka legally immigrated to the United States via airplane in 1996 from the small island nation of Japan. Since then she has migrated throughout the country and now identifies herself as a senior majoring in Architectural Engineering. The Shandygaff is her Happy Place, though she was once kicked out of the establishment after breaking her shoe and screaming “I LOVE DAY DRINKING. I’M HAVING FUN.” Yuka is overly enthusiastic about life in general, but especially Ja Rule, Halloween, and the puffy black vest she purchased from the Gap. You can reach her at [email protected], or through Twitter @yukahontass.

Hindsight is 20|20 for Graduating Seniors

Last week, we asked our graduating seniors what they wished they had done differently during their time at Penn State. Facing graduation in just a couple weeks, the seniors replied with things they wish they could have changed.

Seniors: What Do You Wish You Had Done Differently?

Graduating Seniors: what do you wish you had done differently during your time at Penn State? Tell us and your response may end up in a post next week!

409 Things I Will Teach My Future Probably Penn State Daughter

Attending Penn State was the best decision I made so far in my twenty-two years of fruitful life. I can only hope that my future children make the same decision and attend Penn State as well. Anticipating that my future daughter will attend Penn State, here are 409 things I will tell my beloved Penn Stater daughter.

Canyon Pizza Raises Prices to $1.50 A Slice

It has just been announced that Canyon Pizza will be raising its slices to $1.50, effective April 2nd.

The 7 Types of Bar Graffiti You Encounter in Downtown State College

It's remarkable what Penn Staters can do with a bit of alcohol-induced creativity and a proper art medium.

Ryan Henrici: A Penn State Junior Saving the World Through Medical Research

Ryan Henrici was recently among the students mentioned in Business Insider's "18 Incredibly Impressive Students At Penn State." Though he spends hours a day in the lab, he takes a break from his lab work to sit down and talk to me about his medical research.

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