

Author: Yuka Narisako

About the Author

Yuka Narisako

Yuka legally immigrated to the United States via airplane in 1996 from the small island nation of Japan. Since then she has migrated throughout the country and now identifies herself as a senior majoring in Architectural Engineering. The Shandygaff is her Happy Place, though she was once kicked out of the establishment after breaking her shoe and screaming “I LOVE DAY DRINKING. I’M HAVING FUN.” Yuka is overly enthusiastic about life in general, but especially Ja Rule, Halloween, and the puffy black vest she purchased from the Gap. You can reach her at [email protected], or through Twitter @yukahontass.

UDance Executives from the University of Delaware Visit THON

Among the thousands of Penn State students present at THON 2014 is a group of students from the University of Delaware who, like all the people in the BJC, are fighting for the kids.

Cutout Letters: How Big is Too Big?

The new trend for the cutout letters at THON 2014 is seemingly, "Go Big or Go Home."

Men’s Gymnastics to Face Temple for Final Time

This Saturday, the 8th ranked men's gymnastics team comes face to face with Temple for what may be the last meet against the Owls.

10 Questions with New Nittanyville President Brian Sanvido

Nittanyville has newly elected its next batch of officers. We caught up with its new president, Brian Sanvido, a senior in Architectural Engineering.

Tadashi: Legit and Delectable

Being teased by posters of familiar Japanese foods on the glass windows, I eagerly went to Tadashi with two friends to figure out how the new Japanese restaurant stacked up to my expectations.

Villains, Household Objects, and Things that Don’t Live Here Anymore: Where Are They Now?

Nothing lasts forever, things change, things are taken from us too soon, things get lost, and people go missing.

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