

Category: Sandusky Scandal

Freeh Wants Dauphin County Judge To Hear Spanier Case

Louis Freeh wants to take Graham Spanier's homefield advantage away in his defamation lawsuit against the former FBI Director.

Board Approves Resolution To Pay More Sandusky Claims

In a special Board of Trustees meeting, a resolution to pay additional Jerry Sandusky claimants was passed by a 18-6 vote. The six no-votes came from the present alumni-elected trustees, all of whom read statements of opposition into the record.

Judge In Corman Lawsuit Criticizes NCAA, Elaborates On Landmark Case

"Unfortunately, the NCAA sanctions hurt a lot of individuals and punished them when they were in no way a participant in any of the crimes that Sandusky committed," Covey says. "We have to remember at the forefront that this case was about the victims."

Jerry Sandusky To File New Appeal Using Sealed Grand Jury Testimony

Alexander Lindsay, Jerry Sandusky's current defense attorney, filed a motion asking the court to allow secret grand jury testimony in an appeal that will be filed in the next several days.

New Court Documents Reveal Mark Emmert’s Entire Inbox

New court documents from Jake Corman's lawsuit have revealed Mark Emmert's entire inbox.

Paterno Estate, NCAA Both Come Out On Top In Judge’s Ruling

Potter County Senior Judge John Leete issued a ruling Monday that represents a victory and a defeat for both sides of the ongoing Paterno-NCAA lawsuit.

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