

Category: Sandusky Scandal

Matt Sandusky Takes New Approach to Child Sex Abuse Prevention

Matt Sandusky's foundation, the Peaceful Heart Foundation has recently partnered with Darkness to Light. Together, the two aim to encourage victims to come forward and educate about the dangers of child sex abuse.

NCAA Asks for Judgement, Says Penn State Wasn’t Under Duress

The NCAA is getting in the email game this week, filing a motion for summary judgement (i.e. asking the court to rule in its favor sans trial based on the merits of the facts) based on the fact that Penn State willingly entered into the NCAA consent decree.

ESPN’s Outside The Lines Discusses Paterno Legacy

"We want the truth and that's all we've ever maintained from day one," Paterno said. "Because of the litigation on a lot of different fronts that's facing the NCAA, they're now being forced to produce documents and we're starting to get the truth and see that the story they put out initially is not what really happened."

New Emails Show NCAA Helped Freeh In Investigation

A new 110-page filing by State Senator Jake Corman this morning shows that the NCAA was in regular communication with the Freeh group during the Penn State investigation, even recommending search terms and questions for Freeh to use during its inquiry.

New NCAA Emails Reveal PR Was A Motivation for Penn State Sanctions

More internal NCAA emails were released today as part of a 325-page filing in State Sen. Jake Corman’s lawsuit, displaying the organization’s very careful media strategy in levying its Penn State sanctions to avoid bad publicity and more skepticism over the sanctions’ appropriateness.

Court Rules NCAA Must Turn Over 477 Documents

Commonwealth Court Judge Anne Covey ruled Friday that the NCAA must provide 477 previously withheld documents and emails in response to the NCAA's claim for privilege.

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