


Student Life

Transportation Fair To Return To HUB Lawn August 30

Visitors can snack on Penn State Bakery baked goods and enter a raffle as they browse the Transportation Fair.

Freshman 101: Your Guide To Apps

Whether you miss class or just don't understand the homework, GroupMe is a great platform for you to connect with classmates and ask for help.

Best Penn State-Themed Borg Names

From Trace McBorgley to Meatborg Monday, we have some ideas for your next borg name.


The Struggle Bus: CATA Service Disruptions Impact Off-Campus Students

CATA has had recurring issues for the past three years that, until recently, were easy to ascribe to outside factors and staffing shortages. 

CATA To Reduce Services Week Of Thanksgiving

CATA will reduce its service hours for the week from November 19 to 26 as a result of Thanksgiving week.

Student Life

We Want To Hear Your Wildest CATA Bus Story

Whether it's the freshmen trying to stuff the White Loop or it's someone "accidentally" elbowing you in the face, there's a good chance you've experienced some chaos during your time on the bus.

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