

Tag: Michael Mann

Penn State Protects “Climategate” Professor

Michael Mann, the Penn State professor at the center of the "Climategate" controversy, is set to be scrutinized by a small team of Penn State faculty. This committee has 120 days to delve into the details of the accusations that Mann falsified information and provided misleading evidence to support climate change.

The committee investigating this situation is made up of three people including Henry Foley (Vice President for Research), William Brune (Mann's boss in the Meteorology Department) and Candice Yekel (Director of the Office of Research Protections).

“Climategate” Investigation Continues

About a month ago, hackers released a series of emails between climate researchers that called into doubt the validity of scientific findings about man-made global warming. One of the researchers whose emails were leaked was Dr. Michael Mann, Professor of Meteorology here at Penn State. Dr. Mann’s emails contained criticisms of a pair of papers that deny […]

Penn State: Giant Left-Wing Conspiracy?

Times are dire, my friends. I fear for our University. I mean look at what’s going on. First, we have Professor Michael Mann helping cover up evidence that the vast conspiracy known as “global warming” is completely made up. Still, I’m glad to have some conclusive evidence that global warming is a load of hogwash. […]

University Launches Investigation into “Climategate”

We first wrote about this last week when a series of emails obtained from a University of East Anglia researcher’s computer mentioned how world renowned climate change researchers had, allegedly, doctored their results to make the case for manmade global-warming more plausible. One of the researchers caught up in this scandal is Penn State Professor […]

Professor Caught Up in Climate Change Scandal

The climate change debate has been going on for a long time now, and public opinion on the matter has fluctuated with each new scientific revelation. Penn State has had a prominent voice in the debate, with one professor in particular having a larger voice than most. Professor of Meteorology Michael Mann has been a […]

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