

Day: November 20, 2008

Transportation round-up

How is everyone getting home for Thanksgiving break? There are a number of methods, but which is the best? The answer is circumstantial, but make sure you know your options. Here are some more unusual ones: For people living anywhere from Harrisburg to Lancaster, try the shuttle between University Park and the Hershey Medical Center. […]

Girl Talk: Concert Review

While additional information about the Penn State Girl Talk concert has not been forthcoming, Jon Pareles of the New York Times reviewed the Girl Talk (Greg Gillis) concerts at Terminal 5 in New York City this week. For those not familiar with the DJ, the review offers a good introduction to his body of work. […]

Woolly Mammoth Update!

Yesterday’s post about woolly mammoth DNA researcher Stephan Schuster was just the beginning. Today, Penn State Live is reporting that Schuster and colleague Webb Miller, Professor of Biology, Computer Science, and Engineering, will be appearing on tonight’s CBS Evening News and tomorrow morning’s Good Morning America to talk about their findings. All this publicity means […]

Wireless Penn State

Where can you get on the internet without that pesky Ethernet cord? For those who aren’t sure, Penn State Tech Services has posted a link to a .pdf that has a map of all the wireless hotspots on campus for your websurfing pleasure.

Too Cold To Riot?

A blog post today by the CDT’s Bob Heisse said that the weather this weekend would be too cold for students to celebrate a win over Michigan State in the same style as the infamous Ohio State celebration. While I agree with the writer of the piece that there will not be destruction of private […]

Student book exchange web site up

The Collegian reported this morning that the plan conceived last spring by UPUA to host a free book exchange came to fruition this week. Onward State will be here with a walk-through later this morning afternoon. But until then, if you have PSU access id, you can access the site here. EDIT: Here’s the walkthrough. […]

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