

Blow Explains Hooking Up to NYT Readers

Charles Blow opined in the New York Times on Saturday that teenagers these days have no morals no longer believe in dating.

It turns out that everything is the opposite of what I remember. Under the old model, you dated a few times and, if you really liked the person, you might consider having sex. Under the new model, you hook up a few times and, if you really like the person, you might consider going on a date.

Check out our response after the jump.

He points out that this increase in hooking up does not mean an increase in the amount of sex teenagers are having. In fact, he says the evidence points to the contrary. Blow laments this “paradigm shift.”

The cons center on the issues of gender inequity. Girls get tired of hooking up because they want it to lead to a relationship (the guys don’t), and, as they get older, they start to realize that it’s not a good way tofind a spouse. Also, there’s an increased likelihood of sexual assaults because hooking up is often fueled by alcohol.

That’s not good. So why is there an increase in hooking up? According to Professor Bogle, it’s: the collapse of advanced planning, lopsided gender ratios on campus, delaying marriage, relaxing values and sheer momentum.

Jezebel’s Hortense took offense at this opinion. [I’m a huge Jezebel fan, btw.]

Aroo?! The increased likelihood of sexual assaults is one thing, but the idea that girls are only hooking up to find a serious relationship and eventually a spouse is a bit ridiculous, is it not? Perhaps Mr. Blow is not aware that women, too, can date without wanting every single hook up to be capped by a diamond ring and a sense of happily ever after.

True… Hooking up is of special relevance to a collegiate audience, though I’m not convinced it is a new phenomenon. Check out this refrigerator magnet I saw just this evening…

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Creator of @OnwardState. Big fan of sweaters.

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