

Day: January 23, 2009

Prelude to Cosby

Bill Cosby has taken the stage. Sorry for the poor picture quality– the Nikon was confiscated.

THON Concert in Second Life

Campus is pretty dead right now. A great number of THON participants are dispersed through the region this weekend to go canning. We’ll try to have some info about this weekend’s canning adventures early next week. But THON participation is not limited to University Park students, nor even to Commonwealth Campus students. The Penn State […]

The Natty Nittany

I send my best regards to everyone canning this weekend for THON – stay warm out there and dress your best!  We want to put our best foot forward representing Dear Old State in the “real world”.  For all of you who are still on campus this weekend, here’s a few photos to hold you […]

Collegian Building Bought by PSU

Penn State is buying the James Building from Charles Rider II for $4.4 million. The James Building houses the Collegian and some College of Communication offices. Penn State had been leasing the building, but Rider allowed Penn State to exercise the option to buy years before the original date of 2015.

Spanier Talks Money With Board

Graham Spanier met with the Penn State Board of Trustees today, and addressed the economy’s impact on the university in an open letter that was posted on Penn State Live. Applications are up 5.5% this year, probably because Penn State is still cheaper than many private colleges. The amount of students returning for the spring […]

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