

Day: February 16, 2009

Rumor Mill

We just heard that the Pattee Library is being cleared of students early tonight, possibly in relation to some fire-related incident. We don’t have many details right now, but we’ll let you know when we do.

Congrats to the 2009 Dow Jones Interns

The Dow Jones Newspaper Editing Intern Program selected Penn State students to fill five of its sixty spots, according to the College of Communication’s blog. The students are guaranteed weekly salaries of at least $350 for ten weeks at some of the nation’s most prolific papers. In the middle of the Death of Print and […]

That Looks Familiar

So do you guys remember that sweet interview we had with Amber, the Penn State student that started her own hat making company called Trillium? It just so happens that last Friday, Amber’s story appeared in the pages of another local news enterprise, The Daily Collegian. They probably wanted to give us a shout-out for […]

Finals Schedules Up

If you haven’t already, hit up eLion to see when you have finals this semester. I know it’s early, what with midterms now and whatever, but if you want to plan ahead, take a peek. Now’s the time to see if you have that awful 8 AM Monday time slot or to see if you […]

The Blue Loop: IN REAL TIME!

Ok. So it’s not exactly real time, but the CATA website has this sweet new feature called InfoPoint which offers “live estimated bus departures and bus locations. On the site, you click which route you are interested in and, using Google Maps, it will show you where the buses for that route are. That way, […]

Vote Or Die

Listen, you may have gotten the sweet talk from Eli and Davis, but we’re beyond that at this point. If Onward State is going to win U.S. News And World Report’s Best Alternative Media Outlet, we need your help. At this time, we’re in 4th place with just 9 percent of the vote. It’s time […]

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