

Day: September 24, 2009

Product Review: The SlouchBack

The SlouchBack was introduced this summer by two recent college grads aiming to give those with even the smallest dorm rooms access to a comfortable couch. It is an inflatable cushion that turns any bed into a couch. When the FedEx box containing our SlouchBack arrived, I was surprised at its size. In its deflated […]

The Great Insect Fair is Coming!

You heard correctly! The Great Insect Fair will be at the Snider Ag Arena on October 7th, from 10 am to 4 pm. Activities include: * Build-A-Bug Contest: Bring your homemade insect for judging and prizes * Moth & Butterfly Tent * Insect Olympics–Mothra vs. Batman! * IPM/Pesticide Safety Putt Putt * Cockroach Races! * […]

The Three-Quarter Turn: There’s A Hawk In Your Eye

The Three-Quarter Turn is an exciting, popular feature here at Onward State. Named after the signature Blue Band Pregame 270 degree right hand turn technique, this segment will report on what the Blue Band is bringing to Beaver Stadium and Penn State every week. From performance schedules to half-time show themes to special news coverage, […]

PSU Prepares to Electrify in Solar Decathlon

For three weeks in October, masterminds of the eco-friendly world will convene on Washington, D.C., to compete in the fourth biannual Solar Decathlon. “Natural Fusion,” our own Penn State team of architects and engineers, will join the competition of 20 teams from around the nation and world. To compete in the Solar Decathlon, teams construct […]

Hacking for Fun, Profit and Terrorism

On September 23, the Security & Risk Analysis Club (SRA Club) played host to an eye-opening presentation entitled “Hacking for fun, profit and terrorism”. The event was held in the IST Building’s “Cybertorium”, a large and very futuristic lecture hall that has computer screens that can rise out of the desk. The Cybertorium was nearly […]

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