While you may have been enjoying your holiday break, those who work at Penn State’s privacy office were not. After a breach in the PSU network due to malware infections, social security numbers of over 30,000 individuals connected to the Eberly College of Science, College of Health and Human Development, and Commonwealth Campuses have been hacked. Annemarie Mountz, spokesperson for Penn State, says they’re not sure if the data was accessed by cyber-criminals, but that all those affected should stay on their toes and be alert.
As if being a magician, juggler and University President weren't enough, once again Graham Spanier has released his annual list of movie reviews. There are only twelve (compared to last year's 17), but I feel they offer some fascinating insight into the mind of the G-Span.
When Sly Stone of Sly & the Family Stone shouted "I wanna take you higher," he probably wasn't thinking about financial aid for college students. But that line can indeed describe Penn State's substantial aid received from the U.S. Higher Education Act (HEA), which was passed in 1965 by Lyndon Johnson. It must be re-passed by Congress every five years, a measure taken to better allow for improvements. More specifically, Penn State is a major beneficiary under Title IV of the HEA, which deals with federal student aid programs. In fact, according to information released this month by the U.S. Department of Education, Penn State is the top ranked 4-year public school in Title IV funding, raking in $549,308,028 in total funds.
Ah, post-Christmas. For many of us, that means returning unwanted gifts, gorging on leftovers, and realizing that there isn't much going on at home. Thankfully, football is here to save us from any sort of holiday denouement.
Bowl Season kicked off last Saturday with the New Mexico Bowl, but it may have been hard to be emotionally invested in a bout between Fresno State and Wyoming. Fear not - for any Penn State fan has some investment in Big Ten games, which are just around the corner. Here's our guide to Big Ten bowl games.
Believe it or not, a small, suburban commonwealth campus is a safe place! StateUniversity.com just rated Penn State Harrisburg the safest university in Pennsylvania (and the 31st safest in the nation).
The "graders" compiled campus data on aggravated assault, arson, burglary, forcible rape, larceny, murder, robbery, and vehicle theft. The winner? Our beloved Capital College.
Life After This American Life
When most of us at Onward State heard that This American Life was going to do a piece on Penn State, we were really excited. It was early in the year, and everyone was still reeling from the fact that we were named the #1 Party School and damn proud of it. We had high […]