

Author: Rory

About the Author

Collegian Claims Several SPJ Awards

The Society of Professional Journalists announced its Region 1 Mark of Excellence Award winners in New York this month and the Daily Collegian sure cleaned up.

Collegian reporters achieved more than 21 individual awards and two big overall awards in the competition, which received more than 3600 entries. Collegian members swept all first, second, and third place slots in the Feature Photography and Radio In-Depth Reporting categories.

More on this after the jump.

2005 Senior Class Gift…Why The Wait?

The 2005 Senior Class Gift, which for the past year has looked more like a construction zone than a piece of fine art, is nearly complete.

The installation-- formally known as the Student Life Promenade-- consists of five cement pillars lining a sidewalk on the side of the HUB facing College Ave. The pillars depict various images of student life at Penn State from over the past 150 years of the University's existence.

The entire project is set to be completed by Friday, April 23 for Blue & White weekend but the nagging question still remains...what took so long?

LAUC Team Trivia Night

Think you know your stuff about the College of Liberal Arts, Penn State, and current events? Prove it!

In celebration of Liberal Arts Week 2010, the Liberal Arts Undergraduate Council will be sponsoring a team trivia night on Thursday, April 1 from 7-9pm in 129 HUB.

Dinner and entertainment and dinner will be provided, and there is no registration free. If you're feeling down for the challenge, email your name and the names of up to four of your friends to [email protected]. Groups can't be bigger than five people, but you can sign up alone if you think your trivia skills are mightier than the combined fortitude of five ordinary men (or women).

Trivia Night, however, is the grand finale of Liberal Arts Week 2010. Here are three events leading up to next Thursday:

Monday, March 29 - Student and Professor Debate in 102 Chambers from 7-8pm

Tuesday, March 30 - Undergraduate Research Panel in 321 HUB from 7-8pm (Food will be provided!)

Wednesday, March 31 - Cultural Fair at Heritage Hall from 7-9pm (Food will be provided!!)

PSU Pride Week 2010

Penn State's Pride Week 2010 kicks off today, and Onward State has the full list of events for all wishing to participate.

Here's the week's full itinerary:

Monday - HUB Takeover from 12 to 2pm in the HUB and GAYME Show 7pm at 325 in the HUB.

Tuesday - Teatro Chicana book signing from 1-3pm at the Allen St. Grill and Open Mic from 6-8pm at the West Lounge.

Wednesday - Pride Rally at 12pm at Old Main, Lt Dan Choi keynote speech at 7:30pm in the HUB auditorium, and Webster's Social from 9-11pm at Webster's Cafe.

Friday - BNY Mellon career info meeting 11:30-1pm in 101 Boucke, Pride Parade at 4pm between the Life Sci and Chemistry buildings, and Pro Drag Show at 10pm in HUB Alumni Hall.

Saturday - LGBT Alumni Interest Group Reception (for graduating seniors) from 3-6pm.

There will also be a Safer Sextravaganza the Tuesday after Pride Week at 7pm in HUB Alumni Hall.

Anyone wishing to find more information on Penn State's LGBTA organization or anything pertianing to the events for Pride Week can check out the official site.

CATA-strophic Inconvenience

CATA's lack of support for cash-strapped Graduate students here at Penn State has started to get on some bus rider's nerves.

Two of those Graduate students, Crista M. Livecchi and Emma Gaalaas Mullaney, have started a Facebook group called "PSU Grads for Transportation Equity," calling for CATA to give them the same kind of financial break it gives full-time Penn State staff members. According to the group, Penn State staffers are currently eligible for CATA's Ride for Five program, which offers a bus pass for $5 a month as opposed to the regular rate of $49 a month.

The Grad students, on the other hand, who don't have two pennies to rub together, have to pay the full monthly rate.

To an outsider like me, this seems like a humongous load of crap, but, as I said, I'm on the outside looking in. Fortunately, both creators of the group were kind enough to offer me some insight on the situation, explaining things much better than I ever could. Read on to find out what they had to say.

Start Me Up

It's a shame, really.

Every Saturday morning, young entrepreneurs in college are waking up with visions of starting the next Cisco or Microsoft. Lifting their heads up from their pizza box pillows, they brush off the Dorito crumbs, struggle to their feet, and stagger out through the graveyard of Natty to announce their new ideas to the world.

But alas...these new ideas often don't make it past conception in colleges today, as they get dragged down and suffocated in a quagmire of legal issues and technical hang-ups.

This problem was recently detailed in the article How College's Can Better Nurture Startups. Interestingly, the article explained how the start-up scene in Silicon Valley has "become based on trust and community," escaping the formal straight-jacket college can put entrepreneurs in. Proposed remedies for this formal quick sand included colleges creating a venture lab run by an experienced visionary (who also has the Benjamins to throw behind new ideas) and simplifying the crippling "spin-off process."

Read on to find out what resources Penn State has to offer.

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