

Day: March 24, 2010

SHC Day of Service Lends Hands

Last Saturday, students from the Schreyer Honors College dedicated their time by participating in the 2nd Annual Schreyer Day of Service. The Honors College sent out students to various locations around Centre County, performing an array of tasks that were a testament to the versatility of the group of students serving.

As one might think of closely befitting of the SHC, some students sorted documents at the Centre County Library Historical Museum in Bellefonte. However, others got dirt and mud on their hands while gardening at the Arboretum right here on campus. Schreyer students reached out to the whole Centre County community that needed a hand.

The Day of Service is still a small, upstart operation, and the chairperson position for next year's Day of Service is open. Contact Faculty Advisor Dina Liberatore at [email protected] if you are interested in taking an active role in giving back.

Maya Angelou Speaks in Eisenhower About Hope

Last night, one of literature's most loved faces spoke in Eisenhower Auditorium to a nearly full house offering wisdom and a surprising amount of laughs. Maya Angelou talked about racism, sexism, and spoke directly to the students asking them to eliminate discrimination.

Angelou repeated one of her favorite quotations,

"I am a human being. Nothing human can be alien to me."

She spoke directly to audience members and talked about "rainbows in the clouds," a metaphor for someone's happiness and hope.

UPUA Presidential Debate: Vision or Engagement?

The first of two debates between this year's candidates for president of the University Park Undergraduate Association took place in the HUB last night. Though generally mild, the debate had some intense moments as Christian Ragland and Colleen Smith argued with David Adewumi about a number of issues.

A full recap of the debate follows after the jump.

LAUC Team Trivia Night

Think you know your stuff about the College of Liberal Arts, Penn State, and current events? Prove it!

In celebration of Liberal Arts Week 2010, the Liberal Arts Undergraduate Council will be sponsoring a team trivia night on Thursday, April 1 from 7-9pm in 129 HUB.

Dinner and entertainment and dinner will be provided, and there is no registration free. If you're feeling down for the challenge, email your name and the names of up to four of your friends to [email protected]. Groups can't be bigger than five people, but you can sign up alone if you think your trivia skills are mightier than the combined fortitude of five ordinary men (or women).

Trivia Night, however, is the grand finale of Liberal Arts Week 2010. Here are three events leading up to next Thursday:

Monday, March 29 - Student and Professor Debate in 102 Chambers from 7-8pm

Tuesday, March 30 - Undergraduate Research Panel in 321 HUB from 7-8pm (Food will be provided!)

Wednesday, March 31 - Cultural Fair at Heritage Hall from 7-9pm (Food will be provided!!)

Current UPUA Presidential Ticket Endorsements

David Adewumi and Christian Ragland-- this year's candidates for president of the University Park Undergraduate Association-- have been working hard over the past few weeks solidifying their platforms and reaching out to student leaders and organizations for endorsements.

With just about a week left until the election, both tickets have a handful of endorsements. Check them out after the jump.

DeChellis Starts On A New Journey….

... no, not THAT journey. While teams like Cornell and Northern Iowa are still playing for a championship for the 2009-2010 season, Penn State and men's basketball Coach Ed DeChellis have officially turned the page. The 2010-2011 season had its unofficial start yesterday with the first spring workout at the Bryce Jordan Center. After the fun was over, DeChellis held his first press conference of the year and talked about a variety of subjects.

Read on after the jump for highlights from the press conference.

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