

Day: March 25, 2010

Cheap American Apparel Clothes Fight Cancer

Last year, Relay for Life of Penn State raised over $4,000 for the American Cancer Society by selling American Apparel clothing to Penn State students at wholesale prices--a feat so impressive that they've decided to do it again this year.

The sale runs through next Thursday, April 1. Payment by cash, check, or PayPal is accepted, and 100% of the profits benefit Relay for Life of Penn State, which in turn benefits the American Cancer Society. For more information on specific ordering procedure, visit the Facebook event page. If you've ever rolled your eyes at an AA price tag, you know this is a good deal.

Because Relay for Life of Penn State is conducting this sale for a nonprofit organization, they were able to obtain a license from American Apparel to sell their products wholesale, eliminating the retail markup you'd see in a store. There are no costs for paying employees, leasing retail space, and, most of all, no profit being made. So in order to get the special price, you have to order through this particular sale. You would have anyway to help out the American Cancer Society, right? Two birds, one stone. Your move.

Calling All Ballroom Dance Enthusiasts

This weekend, try watching Dancing with the Stars in person instead.

The 7th Annual Keystone Classic, which pits dance clubs from all over against each other, will run from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm on Saturday March 27 in the White Building, with a performance by Mayo Alanen of Dancing with the Stars at 6:30 pm.

Do We Live in a Porn Nation?

Michael Leahy, recovering porn addict, says "yes."

At a presentation titled "Porn Nation," Leahy spoke last night at Eisenhower Auditorium about living in a hypersexual culture.

He explained that pornography teaches men to expect  dominance in sexual relationships. According to porn, women must be sexy, submissive, and ready to satisfy men at all times.

This warped version of reality subsumes the minds of porn-watchers, whether they realize it or not. Men enter relationships expecting sex-on-demand. And if they don't get it, Leahy says they watch more porn, and the cycle continues until women become mere pleasure machines to the porn enthusiast.

No Handcuffs Needed: Choi Speaks at Pride Week

Dan Choi, who just days ago chained himself to the White House fence, spoke last night in the HUB Auditorium as they keynote address for Penn State's Pride Week. He referenced his recent arrest, saying, “It’s a strange feeling getting arrested for something you know is right…nothing is more liberating, nothing is more freeing.”

Choi's demonstration was a protest of the military's Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy, a topic he brought up again in his address; he called DADT “the most despicable law because it institutionalizes shame.”

UPUA Meets Last Time Before ‘Last Stop’

There were a few major announcements and votes last night as the fourth assembly of the University Park Undergradute Assembly met for the ultimate time in HUB 302.

First, someone has been found to head the Student Legal Clinic. The name should be released today. The clinic will start offering services this semester, but the executive branch hopes to have it running in maturity by fall semester.

'Last Stop' got the majority of the votes in the online poll UPUA did to help rename its spring music festival. However, the assembly has not passed legislation confirming this name yet, so it is still unofficial for the moment.

The UPUA passed its medical amnesty legislation, which will create a system for students to make emergency and medical personnel aware of alcohol-related circumstances that might otherwise put them in a compromising position. Students will be given the option of either taking the judicial sanctions or participating in the Medial Amnesty Program, which entails students to participate in a BASICS (Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention of College Students) program. If this program is completed it results in no judicial/legal consequences for the involved student. Repeat offenses will be penalized with further terms and task completion, and will ultimately result in expulsion from the program.

Found on Craigslist – Missed Connections

Craigslist is a big and sometimes scary place. Craigslist Penn State is no exception. In an effort to better serve you, our reader, we have started an new effort to highlight listings we feel should be shared with the greater Penn State audience.

We hope we can find what you’re looking for.

To the bored girl on Chatroulette - m4w - 24 (State College/Scranton/World Wide Web)

Dear Bored Penn State Girl,

We were having an exceptionally engaging, albeit brief, conversation on ChatRoulette on Saturday night at around 10 p.m. Our time together was cut short by either a faulty connection on your part or a heartwretching glitch in the system. Damn you, Chatroulette; our future together was cut short prematurely.

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