

Day: April 8, 2010

EVERYBODY PANIC: Battle Submits For NBA Draft

Perhaps panic isn't the most appropriate response, as Talor Battle's decision not to hire an agent leaves the door open for him to return for his senior season, but it's never a good sign when the heart and soul of your basketball program explores alternatives to being the heart and soul of your basketball program.

Black Shoe Diaries points out that it's common for players to submit their name for exploratory reasons, only to withdraw and return for their senior season. But if Battle likes what he finds, it's unlikely half-brother Taran Buie will remain a Nittany Lion.

But that's something to worry about later. Battle has until May 8th to withdraw his name.

UPUA Meeting: “No Days Off”

This week's UPUA meeting, like the celebration of new life that comes with Spring, saw the induction of new members and the election of new chairs. The meeting began with a the swearing in of newly elected President Ragland, Vice President Smith, and the new assembly.

Read on for a detailed account on the Chair elections and the first meeting of the fifth assembly.

The STATEtorialist: A Comeback Worth Noting

When you're on a road trip, you see tons of rest stops along the way. So many, in fact, that you pass up some of them up because you know you're going to come across another one a few miles down the road.

Well, the fashion world works the same way sometimes. Styles come and go, but if there's anything I've noticed it's that a certain trend can probably be traced back two or three times over within the past 50 years. A great example of this is the wayfarer. In my opinion, it's the hottest sunglass style around today, and you can't go anywhere without seeing tons of different styles, colors, and shapes of wayfarers. These sunglasses are a perfect example of a trend reincarnated.

More on the hottest trends and fashion do's and don't's after the jump.

CAS 100H Class Brings Kevin Salwen To Campus

When Kevin Salwen's daughter was 14, confronted by the existence of tremendous wealth next to abject poverty, she convinced her family to sell their home, move into a smaller one, and donate the proceeds to charity. Now, three years later, Salwen is on campus today talking about the need to re-examine the "relationships you make in life -- with both people and your 'stuff'-- and on the power we each have within us to trigger positive change."

Niko Kovacevic, one of the students in the CAS 100H class responsible for the speech, said, "We're bringing him to Penn State because his philosophy concerning ethics, specifically the ethics of justice, wealth and charity, applies directly to the material our class is studying."

Read more about this talk after the jump.

Late Drop Deadline’s Here! Should You Drop?

The year is winding down and there's a month left of classes, which means it's that time of the semester when students have their last chance to late drop classes.

The deadline deadline typically affects certain demographics of students here on campus. Here are a few of those that should consider late-dropping before Friday:

  • Think about attendance. Have you been day-drinking your face off and/or playing an inordinate amount of PS3 instead of going to your mandatory-attendance class? If the answer is yes, you should probably consider late-dropping.
  • Think back to the number of exams or quizzes that you have taken and compare them to the syllabus. That "Oh, shit!" feeling in your stomach right now indicates that you should probably consider late-dropping.

  • Read on for more suggestions about who should consider dropping.

“Hair” to Feature Nudity!

The Penn State Thespians' production of "Hair" this weekend WILL contain nudity! The actors had not received approval to appear on stage without clothing until Tuesday night-- just two days before opening night. The cast was not even allowed to rehearse nude. The lack of preparation time should not detract from the experience, though.

Cast member Andrew Baglini, a Senior, is very excited to fully embrace the essence of the sixties. He knows that some people may be wary of the nudity, but insists that it is "tasteful." When asked if one of his most conservative friends would be offended by the nude scenes, Baglini responded with "If she comes, I guarantee she will not be uncomfortable."

The audience member must come into the performance with an open mind, however. "The hit tribal rock musical" is publicized on promotional fliers as having an R-rating and is "strongly discouraged for persons under age 18" because of "sexual content, language & drug use."

Performances are today, Friday, and Saturday at 7:30pm with a matinee on Saturday at 2pm. All performances will be at Schwab Auditorium. Prices are $8 for students, $12 for adults.

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