

Author: Ben Boskovich

About the Author

The STATEtorialist:Things I’ve Seen Enough Of

In every post I have ever made, I have made suggestions on what to wear, but not once have I ever suggested what not to wear. I'm a firm believer in the thought that if you're told (or suggested) what not to do, you're more likely to stray away from doing it. Hey, you have to fail before you learn to succeed, and I've made one or two of these mistakes on what I like to think of as the rough road I've taken to finally know what I'm talking about (ha ha). So read up and soak it in, because a lot of these faux pas that I notice all too often usually end up in a disappointing head shake from me, but not a solution to the problem.

These problems, which can be found after the jump, are in no specific order, but you should not do any of them...please.

The STATEtorialist: Have A Good Hair Day

Any guy out there with hair longer than your average fade knows what it's like to try to maintain a good look on top of our heads. Lucky for us, a lot of the time the messy style just happens without having to do anything, and sometimes we can roll right out of bed and look as model-eque as it gets. Just ask Rob Pattinson (left), whom hasn't washed or styled his hair since the last time his mom spit in her hand and fixed it for church.

But for us guys whose natural mess up top isn't always as appealing as Edward Cullen's, there is a need for some kind of product. We've seen a countless number of these fads: Grease, Mousse, Hairspray, Gel. All of which's ending result ends up looking way too wet, or way to stiff, or just plain weird. Recently, though,  we've seen the release of many new products,  like waxes and texture creams, that give us a happy medium between plain dry hair, and the dreaded "wet look".

Find out what they are after the jump!

The STATEtorialist: Get on Deck with Spring’s Footwear

Walk downtown on a nice spring day, and I bet you that it's hard not to spot someone strolling around in a pair of boat shoes.

The boat shoe, originated in 1935 by Sperry Topsider, has become more and more popular as the years have gone by, and, as of recent, you see more of them when the weather gets nicer.

Sperry has evolved from just a leather boat shoe and now works with tons of different materials to put a innovative spin on a classic look. Sperry Topsider puts out a ton of different styles--not just boat shoes--and when it comes to footwear for the Spring and Summer months, your first stop should be to Sperry's deep catalog of shoes and sandals.

This Spring, Sperry has put out a ton of new looks and styles that I really like, and I think that you will too. My tip for shopping Sperry--when you start building your collection, diversify the material. Don't load up on leather. Take advantage of the unique materials Sperry offers like canvas and linen. Dare to be different, because with Sperry Topsiders' seemingly endless popularity, pretty soon everyone is going to have the brown leather boat shoe.

After the jump: a few of Sperry Topsider's New Arrivals this season that I think you'll really dig.

The STATEtorialist: A Comeback Worth Noting

When you're on a road trip, you see tons of rest stops along the way. So many, in fact, that you pass up some of them up because you know you're going to come across another one a few miles down the road.

Well, the fashion world works the same way sometimes. Styles come and go, but if there's anything I've noticed it's that a certain trend can probably be traced back two or three times over within the past 50 years. A great example of this is the wayfarer. In my opinion, it's the hottest sunglass style around today, and you can't go anywhere without seeing tons of different styles, colors, and shapes of wayfarers. These sunglasses are a perfect example of a trend reincarnated.

More on the hottest trends and fashion do's and don't's after the jump.

The Natty Nittany: The Executive Branch

On election day, I ran into Colleen Smith taking a rest outside of the HUB. I am embarrassed to say that I didn't know who she was, and still didn't get the hint to when she told me "It's been a long day." I saw Christian Ragland walking around and shaking hands, and I did recognize him, but little did I know that the girl I asked to photograph for The Natty Nittany was in fact his running mate.

See the full breakdown after the jump.

The STATEtorialist: ROY G. BIV Your Wardrobe

The STATEtorialist is a blog about Penn State, college sports, and fashion. Every week, Ben from The STATEtorialist will be writing a column for Onward State. If you like what you read, be sure to comment and read more at The STATEtorialist!

It's apparent that spring has sprung in Happy Valley, which means when walking the streets, you'll probably notice a little more variety in what people are wearing. I think females have a 6th sense when it comes to when the weather has definitely made a turn for the better, because the day where you see 90% of the girls around town in skirts or shorts is the day where you know its okay to hang up your North Face.

Tuesday was the first significantly nice day in State College, and it's only looking better. Spring brings out a lot of potential wardrobe choices, but make sure you're not just wearing shorts and a t-shirt, or no jacket. Show that you knowit's spring by rocking a variety of colors.

My suggestions after the jump.

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